Energy & Sustainability Framework
Consultation has concluded
City Council voted unanimously for Regina to join the growing number of municipalities around the world and commit to becoming a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050.
The City’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions and sourcing net zero energy from renewable sources by 2050. The primary focus is on climate change mitigation through a three-pronged approach:
- Reduce energy consumption
- Improve energy usage/efficiency
- Switch to renewable or low carbon energy sources
The Energy & Sustainability Framework will outline the guiding principles, community and municipal-wide action plans, timelines and targets necessary to achieve this goal, focusing on theContinue reading
City Council voted unanimously for Regina to join the growing number of municipalities around the world and commit to becoming a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050.
The City’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions and sourcing net zero energy from renewable sources by 2050. The primary focus is on climate change mitigation through a three-pronged approach:
- Reduce energy consumption
- Improve energy usage/efficiency
- Switch to renewable or low carbon energy sources
The Energy & Sustainability Framework will outline the guiding principles, community and municipal-wide action plans, timelines and targets necessary to achieve this goal, focusing on the community’s economic, social and environmental health collectively. City Administration have committed to providing this Framework for City Council’s consideration by end of 2021.
Community engagement is a very important part of developing the Framework. The City is committed to being informed by impacted stakeholders and the community at large to develop policies and action plans, and to ensuring the Framework builds on work that is already being done throughout Regina. This will include initiatives and methodology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero and create greater reliance on renewable sources of energy.
A key component of the City’s public engagement is the creation of a Community Advisory Group. The Group will represent multiple sectors within Regina and give input on the guiding policy principles of the framework as well as feedback on analysis, alternatives and proposed actions. It will be made up of representatives from non-profit organizations, business, industry and community groups.
The City has contracted Sustainability Solutions Group to assist in creation of the Framework, which involves completing an energy use and emissions inventory, establishing energy and emissions reduction targets, and producing scenarios that model policy choices and actions from now until 2050. There will be opportunity for public feedback on this work. Read the NewsFeed below for updates as work continues.
Renewable Regina
Energy & Sustainability Framework Released
On Monday, March 14, 2022, the City of Regina released its Energy & Sustainability Framework, which outlines a dynamic and living plan for Regina to become a renewable, net-zero city by 2050, a target unanimously set by City Council in 2018. The Framework will be considered at a special meeting of Executive Committee on Thursday, March 24.
Ahead of the Executive Meeting, residents were invited to get a closer look at the Framework and engage with the experts who developed the plan at a virtual information session on Tuesday, March 15. A recording of this session is embedded below.
Following are responses to some additional questions asked during the March 15 information session that were not able to be answered in the time allotted.
Q. How will the Framework help oil, gas and refinery workers in making the transition? People in these sectors are likely to be most affected by this plan, so are there any specifics on how to help them?
A. The Framework sets out a pathway that has been tailored to our local context.
Regina has tremendous opportunity for new industry and employment in the transition to renewable energy and the green economy. Overall, implementation of the Framework is expected to generate over 120,000 person-years of employment between now and 2050. This is equivalent to more than 4,000 full-time jobs per year existing in the community.”
During implementation, it will be important to work with other levels of government to help give clarity to our workforce. Opportunities exist to collaborate on and support labour and training programs that can support workers in this transition.Q. Does a net-zero goal mean the continued use of fossil fuels is acceptable if they are paired with emissions capturing technology or other offsets? Or is that negated by the 100% renewable goal?
A. To be a renewable, net-zero city means that all electrification, heating and cooling, and transportation are powered from renewable energy or are offset by a reduction in emissions to achieve a net-zero increase in carbon released into the atmosphere.
The Framework recognizes the phase-out of fossil fuels and sets out a community vision to plan for this transition through reducing our energy usage significantly as quickly as possible to avoid cumulative emissions, improving energy efficiency and increasing renewable energy generation. The City of Regina does not have the authority or jurisdiction to prohibit fossil fuels.
Q. Can SSG release details on the final energy mix in 2050? I understand it will be 45 PJ. What will the mix be in terms of electricity, hydrogen, etc?
Q. Can you tell me why the building sector was not invited to sit on the Community Advisory Group?
A. The Regina and Region Homebuilders Association was a member of the Community Advisory Group. We engaged with additional groups in the building sector through focus groups, public forums and our online tool.
Q. Is there any support from the Government of SK you would appreciate? Can the Min.of Env. help make sure the Framework is a success?
A. To ensure success of the Framework it will be very important to collaborate with other levels of government, including the Government of Saskatchewan.
Strategic partnerships with the Province can leverage additional funds and find efficiencies across clusters of related actions.
Q. Can you talk more about what does the balance of capital investment cost savings look like in tax implications over the next number of years?
A. The City will be assessing municipal contributions through its budget processes and Council resolution, based on priorities. In anticipation of the Framework’s release, the City made strategic investments of $6 million in 2022 to advance municipal actions on the “low-carbon pathway”.
The City’s focus is on the immediate actions we can take over the coming three years. How the actions are funded will be explored as the plan is implemented over the next 28 years. Implementation will include actively pursuing new funding opportunities, financing mechanisms and strategic partnerships that can leverage additional funds and find efficiencies multiple actions and based on data evidence.Q. Is a ban on fossil fuels (such as natural gas for building heat) being considered as it has been in some other North American municipalities?
A. It would be outside the jurisdiction of the City to dictate what heating systems residents are able to use.
Q. What do the residential programs look like starting this year and over the next couple of years?
A. After a successful pilot, City Council has approved a citywide curbside food and yard waste service to be rolled out in fall 2023. Further information on this program can be found here.
Additionally, we will be presenting a home retrofit program that would be built on top of the federal Greener Homes Grant will be going before council later this year.
Q. How will this work and aligned City investments impact tax payers in terms of property taxes but also what is the cost to each resident to do their own investments that are noted in the big moves?
A. The City will be assessing municipal contributions through its budget processes and Council resolution, based on priorities. The upfront cost to each resident will depend on each unique situation, as will the amount of returns that are realized through the investments. The education and awareness campaign will include helping residents and businesses to identify actions they can take to support the big moves.
Q. How is the city going to encourage retrofits and fuel switching? Will there be subsidies in addition to the current federal plan?
A. There will be a need for innovation across the implementation of the framework. There are many efforts underway across Canada and beyond to undertake retrofits at scale by aggregating building retrofits, both for bulk procurement and to achieve efficiencies in project delivery, as well as developing deep retrofit programs for all buildings
Q. How quickly can new build regulations be changed to net zero?
A. The province is expected to adopt the Government of Canada’s net-zero energy-ready building code for new residential builds by 2030. In the meantime, initiatives to educate residents, businesses, and the buildings sector, as well as to incentivize net-zero energy-ready buildings could increase adoption and market demand.
Q. Is Regina looking at a similar initiative to Saskatoon landfill's Recovery Park?
A. The City will begin exploring the development of a permanent household hazardous waste depot at the landfill in 2022 to respond to increasing demand.
The City is also looking at offering more opportunities to divert problematic waste materials by establishing a diversion station at the landfill to accept items such as tires, construction material (untreated wood and gypsum), mattresses, etc.
Q. When might residents access information on the proposed retrofit programs?
A. The proposed retrofit program is built on top of the federal Greener Homes Grant and will be going before Council later this year.
Q. Culture is a very important in the UN 17 SGD's. Regina has a culture of being people powered innovative and hard working. This framework seems a bit boiler template. Can you tell me why culture of the City of Regina was not woven in?
A. The Framework requires sustained effort from the City of Regina, residents and all sectors of the community. The City will play a leadership role in modelling the changes and behaviours that are required to reach our goals through advocacy, partnership, awareness/education and direct action in municipal operations. This is an important milestone in our journey to become a renewable city, but this is a multi-decade process and there will be a need for innovation across the implementation of the framework.
Q. This weekend I saw a three year old Tesla advertised for $138,000. What incentives are there for me to move to an EV?
A. Other more affordable options for electric vehicles are available, and with the Government of Canada requiring 100% of car and passenger truck sales be zero-emission by 2035 the number of affordable options is only going to grow.
The City will also look to partner with potential stakeholders on the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations, which will help to eliminate one of the most significant barriers to local electric vehicle adoption.
Q. Instead of the city purchasing electric buses would it not be cheaper in the long run to purchase hydrogen fuel buses? With our winters the electric heaters on electric buses may drain the batteries too soon.
A. A variety of zero emissions vehicles were considered in the Regina Transportation Master Plan. Hydrogen requires an energy source to produce, also an assessment shows that hydrogen busses are more expensive to purchase and operate as it requires a hydrogen production facility.
Q. I noticed the framework says the U of R will be switching to geothermal - has that been committed by the U of R?
A. District energy systems offer an energy-efficient way to heat buildings that are grouped together. The University of Regina already has a district energy system in place. It has the potential to be fully converted to a renewable source such as geothermal. It is up to the University to make this decision but the City can play a supportive role.
Q. Are there modifications to this plan in the event of a Federal government change that may make changes to funding?
A. The Energy & Sustainability Framework is ambitious and requires sustained effort from the City of Regina, residents and all sectors of the community. Community leadership will be central to implementation, and the City of Regina is committed to expanding our community leadership role through advocacy, partnership, education and awareness. Key to implementing the framework will be continually monitoring and adapting the strategy as opportunities and barriers present themselves and new information becomes available. The City is actively exploring opportunities for leveraging that funding to make Energy & Sustainability related actions more affordable.
Q. Electric-powered Heat pumps form a major part of the Framework Big Move on energy fuel switch away from natural gas. Because of the increased cost for electicity, how do you encourage this move to happen? What good sources of information for cold climate heat pumps?
A. The methods to incentivize fuel switching will be determined in the future. The costs associated with electric heating and cooling will change dramatically when paired with rooftop solar or other residential energy generation.
Here are a couple of links for some more information on heat pumps.
Q. How much did this proposal cost taxpayers to get to the point we are now at?
A. $235,000 was budgeted for consulting related to development of the framework.
Q. Renewable energy, such wind and solar has a certain life span. How has this been taken into account?
A. For each of our actions, we do assess reinvestments (e.g. one person may purchase and replace an EV before the 2050 timeframe due to the projected lifecycle of the vehicle) but the lifespan of solar and wind investments recommended for this plan go beyond the projection period.
Q. I can see that education, awareness, and generally 'changing the culture' of the public will be a huge challenge. How will that be addressed?
A. Following the low-carbon pathway outlined in the Framework will require that we change how we move, live, and build. A big part of this mindset shift will be about making it easier for residents, businesses and industry to take climate action.
This can include reducing barriers to taking transit or to making our homes more energy efficient, raising awareness of programs and initiatives that are available, and collaborating with different sectors of our community to provide education about the long-term impacts of our decisions. So, when it comes time to make a decision - purchasing a vehicle, making improvements to our homes, starting a new business or social enterprise - we can be more aware of our emissions impact and how to make a positive contribution towards our community-wide targets.
Q. I understand that the City is not solely responsible for all the actions in the E&SF. However, can you confirm (as I understand from the Framework) that it is the City who will take the lead on ensuring the plan is followed, tracked and reported upon?
A. Ongoing monitoring and reporting on progress is a key piece of the overall implementation and coordination, which will be led by the City of Regina. Ensuring the plan is followed will require all sectors of the community to work together, and to adjust as conditions change and opportunities emerge. The City is also planning to continue with the Community Advisory Group with an updated mandate that focuses on implementing the plan across the community.
Q. Some community members have raised concern about the Treaty Land Acknowledgement at the front of the report?
A. We would like to thank the community member and in response, we are reviewing the land acknowledgement for its appropriateness and anticipate a revised land acknowledgement will accompany the final Framework document once approved.
November Project Update
Throughout the month of October, the public had several opportunities give feedback on the ‘big moves’ that are recommended for Regina to achieve its net-zero target by 2050. The moves form the basis for the low-carbon actions that will be outlined in the final Framework when it is presented to Council in early 2022. The moves focus on the following:
- Retrofitting existing buildings
- Net-zero new construction
- Fuel switching our heating
- Renewable energy generation
- Reducing vehicle emissions
- Increasing active transportation and transit use
- Cleaning and re-energizing industry
The project team and consulting partner, SSG, hosted a Virtual Student Forum on October 14. Over 250 high school students from across Regina attended the three morning sessions. This was followed by a Virtual Community Forum on October 19 with over 60 members of the community attending.
Two more Community Advisory Group workshops have been held since mid-October. SSG also conducted several focus group interviews with stakeholders in a variety of industry, community equity and other sectors to discuss and better understand opportunities and challenges related to the ‘big moves.’
More than 700 residents participated in the Renewable Regina Community Survey from October 19 to November 1. Results will be shared as part of the Framework report presented to Council.
What’s Next?
The project is getting close to the finish line. The next step is for SSG to complete financial modelling for the proposed path to net-zero and prepare the final report. It is expected that the draft report will be completed by the end of the year.
Regina's 7 Big Moves
The City of Regina has committed to becoming a 100 per cent renewable energy city by 2050. Achieving this goal requires a three-pronged approach:
- Reducing energy consumption
- Improving energy usage and efficiency
- Switching to renewable or low carbon energy sources
Through analysis of Regina’s current community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the targets necessary to achieve net-zero, consultant Sustainability Solutions Group has identified the seven ‘Big Moves’ that will make Regina renewable by 2050. View SSG's presentation at the October 19, 2021 Virtual Community Forum and read more below.
Big Move #1: Retrofitting Existing Buildings
Energy use in buildings accounts for 69 per cent of GHG emissions in Regina. Emissions include those resulting from heating and cooling spaces, for lighting, and for electricity to run appliances and equipment in homes, schools, offices, and industrial warehouses. To reach net-zero in Regina, all existing buildings in the community will need to be retrofitted to less energy and be more energy-efficient.
Big Move #2: Net-Zero New Builds
Ensuring that new buildings are not sources of carbon emissions is key to reaching an ambitious emissions reduction target. Buildings and the systems within them (eg. heating, cooling) are long-lasting assets. If we continue to build buildings that are carbon-emitting, we are locking ourselves into those emissions over the span of 25 years or more, unless costly upgrades are completed before the buildings’ systems are at end of life.
Big Move #3: Fuel Switching our Heating
Most of the emissions from buildings in Regina currently come from natural gas used for heating. For new and retrofitted buildings, energy systems will need to be converted to limit emissions. Switching to efficient electric systems, such as heat pumps, is key because grid electricity can be decarbonized with the addition of renewable energy at the individual building or community scale.
Big Move #4: Renewable energy generation
One of the most significant low-carbon transition opportunities the community can pursue is to increase renewable energy generation. This means investing in individual and community-scale wind and solar power. Moving to these sources will allow the community to decrease emissions from the electricity grid, which is directly related to emissions levels from electricity use in homes and businesses and in electric vehicles. It also maximizes the emissions reduction benefits of building retrofits and fuel-switching.
Big Move #5: Reducing Vehicle Emissions
Regina, like many Canadian cities, is heavily reliant on individual automobile trips to get around. The transportation sector makes up 23 per cent of community emissions on a yearly basis. While we cannot avoid all vehicle trips, there are viable alternatives to gasoline-fueled vehicles. The technology continues to evolve for battery electric vehicles while prices decrease. Other technologies such as hydrogen vehicles are in rapid development. Both solutions require new infrastructure to support their widespread adoption.
Big Move #6: Increasing Active Transportation and Transit Use
While low emissions vehicles can help us reduce emissions, increased active transportation and transit use are also important strategies to help us reduce transportation emissions. A well-thought-out active transportation and transit network can help decrease congestion, promote active and healthy lifestyles, and complement urban intensification and mixed-use developments while decreasing emissions.
Big Move #7: Cleaning and Re-energizing Industry
Our industrial sector represents one-third of our energy consumption and GHG emissions in Regina. The City needs to continue to have a positive ongoing dialogue with industry stakeholders to encourage industry to consider what their energy transition looks like and to discuss collaborative solutions to mitigating the economic transition risk to a low carbon economy.
Register for Virtual Community Forum
In October, the City of Regina is hosting two key opportunities for community members to learn more and provide feedback on Regina’s plan to become a renewable city by 2050.
Renewable Regina Community Forum
Residents are invited to register online to attend the Renewable Regina Virtual Community Forum to learn more about the big moves Regina must take to become renewable. The forum will take place on Tuesday, October 19 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Webinar. It will also be recorded for later viewing on Be Heard Regina.
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required for this event. Those who choose to pre-register will receive an automatic calendar invite via email.
Renewable Regina Community Survey
An online community survey will also launch immediately after the forum to help inform Regina’s community-wide low carbon action plan. The survey will be available on Be Heard Regina and will run until November 1.
Feedback from both activities contribute to the final development of Regina’s Energy & Sustainability Framework. The Framework will outline the actions Regina needs to take over the next 29 years to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and switch to renewable energy sources by 2050.
Share Your Thoughts on Vehicle Idling
Did you know that 24 per cent of Regina’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are produced by vehicles?
It is estimated that if every Regina driver reduced idling by just one minute each day, we could reduce GHG emissions by about 6,000 tonnes in a year. That’s equal to taking 1,500 cars off the road.
The City of Regina is exploring options to reduce GHG emissions from vehicle idling, including a potential community-wide program. We want to hear how supportive you are of changes to your vehicle idling habits that could reduce our local carbon footprint.
Visit before August 31 to share your thoughts on reducing idle emissions.
Understanding the Business as Planned Model
The Community Advisory Group met for its second workshop in July and was presented with an overview of Regina’s current energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory. This inventory data provides a basis for the “business as planned” modeling to predict Regina’s future energy consumption and GHG emissions based on current initiatives. The modeling will identify the gap between the future emissions projected and the reductions that will need to take place in order to achieve net-zero by 2050. Low-carbon scenarios will be identified as options to address this gap.
June Project Update
In the past few weeks, we have celebrated two specific project milestones toward the development of Regina’s Energy & Sustainability Framework (ESF):
- The Community Advisory Group held its first workshop on June 3. During this session, Group members heard an overview of the project’s timeline and their role and met the City’s consulting partners at Sustainability Solutions Group to better understand the work they will be doing.
- The project team finished collecting all the data necessary (more than 70 data sets over six years) for creating the energy consumption and emissions inventory for Regina, both the community and municipal corporation.
Team members have also been attending the Regina Farmers Market where we are spreading awareness of the Energy & Sustainability Framework. You can find us there most Wednesdays and Saturdays, so stop by to get some information, ask some questions, or just to say hi!
What’s NextThe next Community Advisory Group workshop will be July 6. This workshop will focus on discussing energy and emissions reduction opportunities and target setting.
In July, the project team will get the first look at the completed Energy & Emissions Inventory. The inventory will be used to create a ‘business as usual’ model. That model shows what Regina’s energy use and GHG emissions will look like from now until 2050 in the absence of the Framework.
April 29 Virtual Presentation
You’re invited to learn more about the development of Regina’s Energy & Sustainability Framework (ESF).
On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12 p.m., Sustainability Solutions Group will host a virtual Microsoft Teams Live presentation. The ESF consultant firm will outline the research, technical work and engagement that will be conducted to complete Regina’s community-wide energy use and greenhouse gas emissions inventory, as well as the emissions reduction targets, scenarios and policy choices the city will need to make to be renewable by 2050.
View the presentation:
Community Advisory Group Established
The City of Regina has formally established a Community Advisory Group to help guide development of Regina’s Energy & Sustainability Framework (ESF).
The group will be consulted regularly throughout the development of the ESF and will provide feedback on the recommendations in the Framework report before it is considered by City Council in late 2021.
The City extended invitations earlier this year to more than 60 organizations to seek interest in being participants. The Community Advisory Group includes members from more than 25 organizations representing environmental and sustainable energy advocacy, economic development, business, industry, education, labour unions, social and well-being groups and the Indigenous community.
Membership on the Community Advisory Group is as follows:
- Accessibility Advisory Committee (City of Regina)
- Co-op Refinery Complex
- CUPE Local 21
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Distributed Energy Association of Saskatchewan
- Economic Development Regina
- EnviroCollective
- Fridays for Future Regina
- File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council
- Metis Nation of SK
- Miller Highschool Environmental Club
- Regina Citizens Public Transit Coalition (RCPTC)
- Regina Catholic School Division
- Regina Civic Middle Management Association (RCMMA)
- Regina & District Chamber of Commerce
- Regina & Region Home Builders' Assoc.
- Righting Relations Regina
- Saskatchewan Electric Vehicle Assoc.
- SaskEnergy
- Saskatchewan Environmental Society
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- SaskPower
- Senior's University Group
- Unifor Local 594
- University of Regina
- Wascana Solar Co-operative Ltd.
October 28, 2020
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageCouncil approves motion for Energy & Sustainability Framework
December 31, 2020
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageRequest for Proposals issued for third-party consultant
January to February 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageConduct information sessions for identified stakeholders to be part of Community Advisory Group
March 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageAward contract for third-party consultant services
April to May 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageEstablish Community Advisory Group
Public consultation underway
Collecting data sets for development of energy use and emissions inventory
June to August 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageExploring opportunities and Regina's target for 2050
Developing base-year energy and emissions inventory and business as usual modelling
Defining low-carbon scenario actions and best fit
September 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageGathering public feedback and understanding community impact.
October 2021 to December 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageCompiling results of engagement and technical research
January to March 2022
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageFinalizing the Framework and Action Plan
Report to Executive Committee, March 23
Report to City Council, March 30
Energy & Sustainability Framework Approved
Energy & Sustainability Framework is currently at this stage
Click here to play video Community Forum March 15, 2022
Click here to play video Regina Community Forum October 19, 2021
Click here to play video Renewable Energy 101
Click here to play video Developing Regina's Energy & Sustainability Framework
Click here to play video The Carbon Budget What is a carbon budget and why is it important?
Energy & Sustainability Framework Questions
- What is the Energy & Sustainability Framework?
- What work has begun on the Energy & Sustainability Framework?
- What public engagement will there be for the Framework?
- When will the Framework be complete?
- What is renewable energy?
- What is non-renewable energy?
- What is sustainable energy?
- What does it mean to be 100 per cent renewable as a city?
- What other cities have achieved being renewable or are committed to achieving it?
- What is the City already doing to be environmentally sustainable?
- What has the City done to reduce its carbon emissions?
- How does the City plan to adopt renewable energy infrastructure without major tax hikes?
Community Advisory Group Questions