Energy & Sustainability Framework
Consultation has concluded
City Council voted unanimously for Regina to join the growing number of municipalities around the world and commit to becoming a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050.
The City’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions and sourcing net zero energy from renewable sources by 2050. The primary focus is on climate change mitigation through a three-pronged approach:
- Reduce energy consumption
- Improve energy usage/efficiency
- Switch to renewable or low carbon energy sources
The Energy & Sustainability Framework will outline the guiding principles, community and municipal-wide action plans, timelines and targets necessary to achieve this goal, focusing on theContinue reading
City Council voted unanimously for Regina to join the growing number of municipalities around the world and commit to becoming a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050.
The City’s goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions and sourcing net zero energy from renewable sources by 2050. The primary focus is on climate change mitigation through a three-pronged approach:
- Reduce energy consumption
- Improve energy usage/efficiency
- Switch to renewable or low carbon energy sources
The Energy & Sustainability Framework will outline the guiding principles, community and municipal-wide action plans, timelines and targets necessary to achieve this goal, focusing on the community’s economic, social and environmental health collectively. City Administration have committed to providing this Framework for City Council’s consideration by end of 2021.
Community engagement is a very important part of developing the Framework. The City is committed to being informed by impacted stakeholders and the community at large to develop policies and action plans, and to ensuring the Framework builds on work that is already being done throughout Regina. This will include initiatives and methodology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero and create greater reliance on renewable sources of energy.
A key component of the City’s public engagement is the creation of a Community Advisory Group. The Group will represent multiple sectors within Regina and give input on the guiding policy principles of the framework as well as feedback on analysis, alternatives and proposed actions. It will be made up of representatives from non-profit organizations, business, industry and community groups.
The City has contracted Sustainability Solutions Group to assist in creation of the Framework, which involves completing an energy use and emissions inventory, establishing energy and emissions reduction targets, and producing scenarios that model policy choices and actions from now until 2050. There will be opportunity for public feedback on this work. Read the NewsFeed below for updates as work continues.
October 28, 2020
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageCouncil approves motion for Energy & Sustainability Framework
December 31, 2020
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageRequest for Proposals issued for third-party consultant
January to February 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageConduct information sessions for identified stakeholders to be part of Community Advisory Group
March 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageAward contract for third-party consultant services
April to May 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageEstablish Community Advisory Group
Public consultation underway
Collecting data sets for development of energy use and emissions inventory
June to August 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageExploring opportunities and Regina's target for 2050
Developing base-year energy and emissions inventory and business as usual modelling
Defining low-carbon scenario actions and best fit
September 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageGathering public feedback and understanding community impact.
October 2021 to December 2021
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageCompiling results of engagement and technical research
January to March 2022
Energy & Sustainability Framework has finished this stageFinalizing the Framework and Action Plan
Report to Executive Committee, March 23
Report to City Council, March 30
Energy & Sustainability Framework Approved
Energy & Sustainability Framework is currently at this stage
Click here to play video Community Forum March 15, 2022
Click here to play video Regina Community Forum October 19, 2021
Click here to play video Renewable Energy 101
Click here to play video Developing Regina's Energy & Sustainability Framework
Click here to play video The Carbon Budget What is a carbon budget and why is it important?
Energy & Sustainability Framework Questions
- What is the Energy & Sustainability Framework?
- What work has begun on the Energy & Sustainability Framework?
- What public engagement will there be for the Framework?
- When will the Framework be complete?
- What is renewable energy?
- What is non-renewable energy?
- What is sustainable energy?
- What does it mean to be 100 per cent renewable as a city?
- What other cities have achieved being renewable or are committed to achieving it?
- What is the City already doing to be environmentally sustainable?
- What has the City done to reduce its carbon emissions?
- How does the City plan to adopt renewable energy infrastructure without major tax hikes?
Community Advisory Group Questions