Future of Scarth Street

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate and share feedback on the future of Scarth Street Mall in 2024. We are excited to share What We Heard during this time.

This feedback is being used to inform the proposed vision and conceptual design which should be available to the public in the near future.

To stay up-to-date on the plans for Scarth Street Mall, and for future engagement opportunities, sign up to follow this project in the top right-hand corner of this page.

For additional information on past stages of the project, please read through the News Feed below.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate and share feedback on the future of Scarth Street Mall in 2024. We are excited to share What We Heard during this time.

This feedback is being used to inform the proposed vision and conceptual design which should be available to the public in the near future.

To stay up-to-date on the plans for Scarth Street Mall, and for future engagement opportunities, sign up to follow this project in the top right-hand corner of this page.

For additional information on past stages of the project, please read through the News Feed below.

  • 2024 Engagement Closes

    Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback to inform the future of the Scarth Street Mall (F. W. Hill Mall).

    Over the last month, in addition to collecting online input through this page, we:

    • Popped-up at I Love Regina Day, two Farmers’ Markets, the Scarth Street Mall, and the Regina Public Library to gather insight on what brings people downtown today and what people want to see and do on the Scarth Street Mall in the future.
    • Invited residents, businesses, and property owners on the Mall to identify current challenges and opportunities and share what they would like to see in the future in the Mall.
    • Received input from organizations who use public spaces on ideas for activities and events that could occur on Scarth Street Mall in the future and how the Mall’s design could support those ideas.

    This input along with the responses received through the traffic access-focused survey, in 2023, will be used to inform the development of a draft vision and conceptual design for the Scarth Street Mall that will be shared in January 2025. A What We Heard Report to summarize the feedback that has been gathered will also be prepared and shared at this time.

    Many factors are considered in developing public spaces; to complement the community engagement, we have also gathered additional information to further inform the preparation of proposals for the future of this Mall. This includes:

    • Reviewing similar types of streets in other cities.
    • Identifying policies in existing plans and strategies to inform this revitalization project (e.g. Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan, Winter City Strategy, Cultural Plan).
    • Conducting a public life survey in the mall to understand things like who visits it today, how many and when, and how people currently use the space.
    • Gathering data, including existing land use, pedestrian counts, and community crime reports.
    • Considering the application of accessibility and other community needs for a welcoming public space.

    Please follow this project page and subscribe for updates to continue the conversation to prepare a vision and conceptual design for the future Scarth Street Mall.

  • Phase 2 of Engagement - Summer 2024

    Input is being sought from the general public as well as those living and owning properties and businesses on the mall itself.

    This project continues engagement for the future appearance and functionality of the F.W. Hill Mall on Scarth Street between 11th and 12th avenues. Plans for 2024 include:

    • Pop up engagement activities during I Love Regina Day on August 17th and other downtown events.
    • Outreach to those living and operating businesses on the mall.
    • Consultations with stakeholders who organize and hold events and activities in public spaces.
  • Phase 1 of Engagement - 2023 Survey

    Revitalization work on F.W. Hill Mall, also known as Scarth Street Mall, is underway and the City is looking for your feedback.

    Almost 50 years ago, Scarth Street between 11th and 12th Avenue was designated a pedestrian mall, prohibiting all vehicle traffic. As the above and underground infrastructure is being updated, the community now has the opportunity to re-imagine the current needs and future aspirations for the downtown space. This engagement explores how that might look.

    The redesign is intended to enhance the overall enjoyment and better activate the space throughout all seasons and during all times of day to support local businesses, public events and overall vibrancy of the City Centre.

    This spring, residents were asked for their feedback on whether it’s time to reconsider some level of vehicle access on the block. Later this fall the community will have another opportunity to provide feedback on street design.

    The survey, completed June 10, described three scenarios for vehicle access. Findings will be used to inform a Council discussion on whether to revisit the 1975 traffic bylaw that prohibited vehicle access on the Scarth Street mall.

  • The Mall

    The F.W. Hill Mall on Scarth Street (or “the Mall”), is a unique and special place in downtown Regina. It is bordered by beautiful heritage facades that contain a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional spaces and amenities that create a hub where people gather to take part in special events and activities, and travel through to get to businesses, services, and other downtown spots.

    As the other downtown spaces like the 11th Avenue corridor and Victoria Avenue are renewed, revitalizing Scarth Street is an opportunity go beyond replacing what is there today to invest in a lively public life for the future.

Page last updated: 10 Jan 2025, 03:28 PM