Scarth Street Revitalization

In the spring of 2023, the City started the process to re-imagine the future for the Mall on Scarth Street. A survey ran from May 29 through June 10, 2023 to gather resident sentiment on three potential scenarios for traffic access to the F.W. Hill Mall.

What we heard is that people in our community are passionate about this place!

View the survey results here.

Over 6,600 survey responses were received. Results reflected a desire to maintain a pedestrian-focused environment, with 90 per cent of respondents preferring pedestrian-only access. Comments added further emphasized the community value for this space, many seeing it as a key feature in the downtown.

Respondents also suggested improvements such as more activity, improved safety, places for bikes, scooters and drop-offs, and better seating.

As part of last year’s budget process, construction on the Mall was postponed to 2027. This summer, we are continuing the conversation with the community to understand how you want to use and experience the space. Your feedback will inform the vision and conceptual design of the space. This phase is expected to be completed by spring of 2025.

More information on how to share your thoughts will be coming soon! Follow this project to stay up-to-date.

The F.W. Hill Mall on Scarth Street (or “the Mall”), downtown between 11th Avenue and 12th Avenue is a unique and special place in Regina. It is bordered by beautiful heritage facades that contain a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional spaces and amenities that create a hub where people gather to take part in special events and activities, and travel through to get to businesses, services, and other downtown spots.

As the other downtown spaces like the 11th Avenue corridor and Victoria Avenue are renewed, revitalizing Scarth Street is an opportunity go beyond replacing what is there today to invest in a lively public life for the future.

In the spring of 2023, the City started the process to re-imagine the future for the Mall on Scarth Street. A survey ran from May 29 through June 10, 2023 to gather resident sentiment on three potential scenarios for traffic access to the F.W. Hill Mall.

What we heard is that people in our community are passionate about this place!

View the survey results here.

Over 6,600 survey responses were received. Results reflected a desire to maintain a pedestrian-focused environment, with 90 per cent of respondents preferring pedestrian-only access. Comments added further emphasized the community value for this space, many seeing it as a key feature in the downtown.

Respondents also suggested improvements such as more activity, improved safety, places for bikes, scooters and drop-offs, and better seating.

As part of last year’s budget process, construction on the Mall was postponed to 2027. This summer, we are continuing the conversation with the community to understand how you want to use and experience the space. Your feedback will inform the vision and conceptual design of the space. This phase is expected to be completed by spring of 2025.

More information on how to share your thoughts will be coming soon! Follow this project to stay up-to-date.

The F.W. Hill Mall on Scarth Street (or “the Mall”), downtown between 11th Avenue and 12th Avenue is a unique and special place in Regina. It is bordered by beautiful heritage facades that contain a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional spaces and amenities that create a hub where people gather to take part in special events and activities, and travel through to get to businesses, services, and other downtown spots.

As the other downtown spaces like the 11th Avenue corridor and Victoria Avenue are renewed, revitalizing Scarth Street is an opportunity go beyond replacing what is there today to invest in a lively public life for the future.

  • Initial Engagement - 2023 Survey

    CLOSED: Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts on how they envision vehicle access to Scarth Street in the future. Further engagement will occur as this project develops, to keep up-to-date follow the project using the tool on the top right corner of the page.

    Revitalization work on F.W. Hill Mall, also known as Scarth Street Mall, is underway and the City is looking for your feedback.

    Almost 50 years ago, Scarth Street between 11th and 12th Avenue was designated a pedestrian mall, prohibiting all vehicle traffic. As the above and underground infrastructure is being updated, the community now has the opportunity to re-imagine the current needs and future aspirations for the downtown space. This engagement explores how that might look.

    The redesign is intended to enhance the overall enjoyment and better activate the space throughout all seasons and during all times of day to support local businesses, public events and overall vibrancy of the City Centre.

    This spring, residents were asked for their feedback on whether it’s time to reconsider some level of vehicle access on the block. Later this fall the community will have another opportunity to provide feedback on street design.

    The survey, completed June 10, described three scenarios for vehicle access. Findings will be used to inform a Council discussion on whether to revisit the 1975 traffic bylaw that prohibited vehicle access on the Scarth Street mall.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 11:15 AM