Why is this important now?

    There are a few reasons: 

    • Below and above-ground infrastructure along this section of Scarth Street is in need of some upgrades, so the timing presents some exciting opportunities to look at improvements to this space as a whole. 
    • The City’s downtown is the core of Regina and has unrealized potential and. As such, we are exploring options to activate and attract more residents to these sites to bring vitality back to the area. To do so, we need to revitalize the spaces so they are more inviting, flexible and meet the current needs of businesses and residents. 
    • Opportunity to build upon 11th Avenue improvements

    What are the desired outcomes of this project?

    The revitalized Mall will enhance the overall enjoyment and better activate the space throughout all seasons and times of day to support local businesses, public events, and overall vibrancy of the City Centre. 

    How does this project relate with the other major projects that are currently being considered in the downtown and city core?

    The projects in the downtown are being reviewed as a whole, rather than isolated projects. We evaluate the impact of the projects to each other, look for synergies and opportunities, and are planning in a coordinated way. Other projects ongoing, or taking place in the near future include improvements to 11th Avenue, Dewdney Avenue Corridor and Saskatchewan Drive.

    When was Scarth Street last “Revitalized”?

    When it was converted to a “Mall” status in 1975 under the Traffic Bylaw.  Since then, minor maintenance work has taken place for undergrounds and surface repairs. This includes the changes to some of the center features being removed and replace with brick.