Ward Boundary Review

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts for the committee's consideration. The new Ward boundaries will be in effect for the next election. 

The Municipal Wards Commission completed its review of the 10 municipal wards and the final report was filed with City Council on April 5, 2023, for informational purposes. The changes to the wards will come into effect for the 2024 municipal election. 

View the NEW 2024 ward boundary map. 

 View the final report. 

 The City of Regina is required to review its ward boundaries after every three elections or when the population of a ward varies by more or less than 10 per cent from the average. This ensures every resident’s vote has equitable representation from their ward councillor. 

 The 10 City wards were reviewed in 2023 due to changing population across the community to ensure even distribution prior to the 2024 municipal election.  

 Questions? Email: wardboundary@regina.ca 

The Municipal Wards Commission completed its review of the 10 municipal wards and the final report was filed with City Council on April 5, 2023, for informational purposes. The changes to the wards will come into effect for the 2024 municipal election. 

View the NEW 2024 ward boundary map. 

 View the final report. 

 The City of Regina is required to review its ward boundaries after every three elections or when the population of a ward varies by more or less than 10 per cent from the average. This ensures every resident’s vote has equitable representation from their ward councillor. 

 The 10 City wards were reviewed in 2023 due to changing population across the community to ensure even distribution prior to the 2024 municipal election.  

 Questions? Email: wardboundary@regina.ca 

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts for the committee's consideration. The new Ward boundaries will be in effect for the next election. 

Do you have a comment or question on the proposed 2023 ward boundary changes?
Pose them here and have them answered by our team. 

  • I wish the boundary colours for current and proposed were less alike. The could have been red and lime green. While population is important. I also think including adjacent areas that may be a concern to them such as the residential areas closest to the industrial areas or the areas that are closest to Wascana park or the downtown area. People who live in those areas are more likely to take an active interest in what happens there and allows a councillor to represent their interests better.

    YB asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback about the ward boundary review.

  • I do not agree with proposed new boundaries, as they are not supportive of including homogenous neighbourhoods. While it is a good goal to aim for even population distribution across the wards, having boundaries that cut through established communities on one hand and join dissimilar neighbourhoods on the other hand is not acceptable. Specifically: • Arcola East (Wards 4 and 5) and Dewdney East (Wards 5 and 6) should not be split into separate wards. • Ward 3 shift is terrible as it splits Albert Park (which should be in Ward 2 only), a better solution would be to expand it east and incorporate parts of Ward 6 (which is excessively heterogeneous right now and needs redesign). • Railway would be good boundary for Wards, for example combine Al Ritchie, Heritage, Cathedral, and Central Square for more homogenous ward to contrast suburb wards and not break up the core. • Similarly, North Central belongs with Eastview and maybe NorthEast but definitely not into Ward 8 please! • Current Wards 8, 9, 10, and 7 without NorthEast can be divided according to population. • Ward 1 is good as it is or boundary with 2 be adjusted for population growth

    Rolfp asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your input about the various boundaries.

  • Why did you pick Fleet Street to cut the ward off. I am not in Ward 5 anymore but would be in Ward 6. I feel I don't belong in the East end anymore, nothing would be familiar to me in Ward 6. Have been in Ward 5 forever.

    KS asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for writing.

    A number of factors are considered to ensure the population fall within the 10 per cent for each ward, including physical or natural features such as major roads like Fleet St. While it may feel like some neighbourhoods are different, neighbourhood boundaries and community associations are not changed during the ward boundary review, only the council representative area.

  • North Central has been moved out of its original Ward boundary once already (2020 election). What consideration is given to ensuring some continuity for neighborhoods and residents in those areas?

    astevens asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    The Commission is required to consider a number of factors when developing the proposed boundaries to ensure the population changes are within the 10 per cent for each ward, including history of communities, neighbourhoods and established community boundaries.

  • Idea: Why are you separating neighbourhoods and regions? For example, downtown has a lot more in common with Centre Square/Transitional than with Cathedral. Similarly, Centre Square/Transitional has more in common with Downtown than with residents of the university (i.e. apartment housing vs suburb housing, issues of crime and nuisance compared to university, etc.) My Question: What elements (other than population), did the Commission consider when deciding what neighbourhood qualities belong with each other? Housing type? Access to services? etc?

    rosszimmermann asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    When establishing ward boundaries and determining the areas to be included, the Municipal Wards Commission considers the following:
    • Current and prospective geographic conditions including density and population
    • Physical or natural features, such as major roads or water ways
    • History of communities and neighbourhoods
    • Established community boundaries

    These considerations are as set out in section 61 of The Cities Act.

  • What is the population in each previous and proposed ward?

    Limesnow asked about 2 years ago

    Thanks for writing. You can check out the population chart we've included in our Documents section.