Expanding Citywide Housing Options

The Expanding Citywide Housing Options project advances five planning policy initiatives outlined in the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan. For more information on the City's HAF Action Plan, please visit: www.regina.ca/haf

Over the last nine months, the City has approved amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan (OCP) to support the delivery of diverse housing options in all neighbourhoods (see the posts in the News Feed below for additional information).

City Administration is currently undertaking additional work to advance a more consistent citywide planning approach and continue to implement the direction in the OCP.

To keep informed of future work, please sign up at the top right-hand corner of this page.

The Expanding Citywide Housing Options project advances five planning policy initiatives outlined in the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan. For more information on the City's HAF Action Plan, please visit: www.regina.ca/haf

Over the last nine months, the City has approved amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan (OCP) to support the delivery of diverse housing options in all neighbourhoods (see the posts in the News Feed below for additional information).

City Administration is currently undertaking additional work to advance a more consistent citywide planning approach and continue to implement the direction in the OCP.

To keep informed of future work, please sign up at the top right-hand corner of this page.

  • Ongoing Work - January 2025

    Following key changes to the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan related to the Housing Accelerator Fund last year, the City is actively exploring new opportunities to further support the development of middle housing in central neighbourhoods. Middle housing refers to housing forms that bridge the gap between single-family homes and high-rise buildings. They are typically ground-oriented, mid-rise structures without elevator cores, such as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and townhouses.

    To further this goal, the City has partnered with mddl (pronounced “middle”), a team of experts with over a decade of experience in successfully delivering middle housing across Canada. mddl will assist in evaluating current policies and standards, engaging with industry stakeholders, and building capacity within the local development community to effectively deliver middle housing solutions. This collaborative effort will continue through Q1 2025, providing practical solutions to address housing needs in central neighbourhoods while fostering a more inclusive, sustainable, and diverse urban environment.

    In addition to working with mddl, the City is also refining the Zoning Bylaw to improve clarity and make it a user-friendly document and reviewing Complete Neighbourhood policies to ensure best practices are incorporated into neighbourhood design.

    Stay tuned for more updates on these initiatives that are shaping the future of housing in our city.

  • Future Phases of Work (2024/25)

    Over the last nine months, the City has approved amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan (OCP) to support the delivery of diverse housing options in all neighbourhoods. City Administration is currently undertaking additional work to advance a more consistent citywide planning approach and continue to implement the direction in the OCP. This includes:

    • Reviewing the City’s Complete Neighbourhood policies;
    • Reviewing the development standards and infill guidelines to support delivery of missing middle housing in central neighbourhoods; and
    • Refining the Zoning Bylaw to make it user friendly.

    To keep informed of future work related to this project, please sign up at the top right-hand corner of this page.

  • Phase 2.2 (Neighbourhood Plan) Amendments Approved

    On September 26, 2024, Regina City Council approved amendments to The Official Community Plan related to Neighbourhood Plans to support implementation of the HAF planning initiatives and advance the direction of Council. These included:

    • Retaining and amending Neighbourhood Plans in new development areas (greenfield) as needed
    • Retaining and amending the Downtown, Yards, and Former Diocese of Qu’Appelle Plans as needed
    • Repealing all remaining Neighbourhood Plans and retaining and policies that provide relevant direction as “Area Specific Policies” in Part B of the OCP
  • August 20, 2024: Meeting with Albert Park Community Association representatives

    City staff met with the President and Vice-President of the Albert Park Community Association Board to provide information on Phase 2.2 of the Expanding Housing Options work (Neighbourhood Plan Review) and to answer questions.

  • August 15, 2024: Meeting with Cathedral Village Community Association representative

    City staff met with the Chair of the Cathedral Village Community Association to provide information on Phase 2.2 of the Expanding Housing Options work (Neighbourhood Plan Review) and to answer questions.

  • July 22, 2024: Councillor LeBlanc Information Session

    Councillor LeBlanc hosted an information session for residents. City staff provided an overview and presentation on the Neighbourhood Plan review followed by a Q+A session moderated by the Councillor.

    There were 20-30 residents in attendance from multiple wards.

  • August 12, 2024: Meeting with Al Ritchie Community Association representatives

    City staff met with the President of the Al Ritchie Community Association and Executive Director of the Al Ritchie Community Centre to provide information on Phase 2.2 of the Expanding Housing Options work (Neighbourhood Plan Review) and to answer questions.

  • Phase 2.2 (Neighbourhood Plan Review) for Planning Commission Consideration

    The Regina Planning Commission will be considering Official Community Plan amendments related to Neighbourhood Plans (phase 2.2) on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 as part of the Expanding Citywide Housing Options project. The report outlining the recommended amendments, which includes repealing many existing neighbourhood plans and replacing them with area specific policies, can be found here.

    The deadline to register as a delegate for Regina Planning Commission is Monday, September 16, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

    Regina City Council will consider this item on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. The deadline to register as a delegate for that City Council meeting will be Monday, September 23, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

    New Documents Uploaded

    Additional documents have been added to folders in the Document Section (sidebar):

    • Project Documents – A document outlining housing-related neighbourhood profile data has been added.
    • Council Reports – The Expanding Citywide Housing Options Phase 3 Council report has been added.
    • Presentations – The Phase 3 presentation to Regina Planning Commission (PDF) and Neighbourhood Plan review presentation (PDF and recording) have been added.
  • Phase 3 Bylaw Amendments to be read by City Council

    Phase 3 Bylaw Amendments to be read by City Council

    On June 12, 2024, Regina City Council approved the third set of amendments to The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019 and the Official Community Plan to support implementation of the HAF planning initiatives and advance the direction of Council. These included:

    Official Community Plan Amendments

    • Introducing Secondary Intensification Areas within 800 metres of transit hubs, where multi-unit residential or mixed-use developments with up to 15 metres (4 storeys) of building height will be permitted.
    • Amending policies and maps in Part A and Part B.3 (Transitional Area Neighbourhood Plan) of the Official Community Plan to assist in implementing the intensification areas and ensure consistency across planning documents.

    Zoning Bylaw Amendments

    • Introducing overarching zoning provisions within the Secondary Intensification Areas to permit multi-unit residential development with up to 15 metres of building height (4 storeys).
    • Allowing Planned Groups of Dwellings as a permitted use in all residential zones, subject to meeting specified criteria.

    Regina City Council will hold a public hearing in relation to the proposed bylaws on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Please see the  Public Notice  for additional information.

  • July 22, 2024: Councillor LeBlanc Information Session

    Councillor LeBlanc hosted an information session for residents. City staff provided an overview and presentation on the Neighbourhood Plan review followed by a Q+A session moderated by the Councillor.

    There were 20-30 residents in attendance from multiple wards.

Page last updated: 19 Feb 2025, 10:31 AM