Phase 3 Bylaw Amendments to be read by City Council
Phase 3 Bylaw Amendments to be read by City Council
On June 12, 2024, Regina City Council approved the third set of amendments to The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019 and the Official Community Plan to support implementation of the HAF planning initiatives and advance the direction of Council. These included:
Official Community Plan Amendments
- Introducing Secondary Intensification Areas within 800 metres of transit hubs, where multi-unit residential or mixed-use developments with up to 15 metres (4 storeys) of building height will be permitted.
- Amending policies and maps in Part A and Part B.3 (Transitional Area Neighbourhood Plan) of the Official Community Plan to assist in implementing the intensification areas and ensure consistency across planning documents.
Zoning Bylaw Amendments
- Introducing overarching zoning provisions within the Secondary Intensification Areas to permit multi-unit residential development with up to 15 metres of building height (4 storeys).
- Allowing Planned Groups of Dwellings as a permitted use in all residential zones, subject to meeting specified criteria.
Regina City Council will hold a public hearing in relation to the proposed bylaws on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Please see the Public Notice for additional information.

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