Community Character (Lakeview and Cathedral)

Consultation has concluded

The heritage and character of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods contribute to their social and economic success. We invite property owners and community members to help create a definition for this ‘character’ and design potential regulatory tools to help protect it.

‘Character’ makes an area attractive as a place to live, work and invest. It is the result of many elements: location, landscapes, views, architectural features, and heritage assets. Heritage assets include sites and buildings listed in the City’s Heritage Inventory for their important contribution to sense of place in Regina and overall community value for future generations.

The aim of this project is to develop a set of recommendations to City Council that clarifies heritage and character conservation objectives, rationale and expectations in the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods.

Sign up to stay informed and receive updates on community workshops, surveys and other opportunities to comment on interim project results.

Wallace Insights has been contracted to study regulatory options and lead this public engagement. Input received will also inform the work to update the Cathedral and Lakeview Neighbourhood Plans when that work is undertaken as part of the City’s Neighbourhood Plan Program.

The heritage and character of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods contribute to their social and economic success. We invite property owners and community members to help create a definition for this ‘character’ and design potential regulatory tools to help protect it.

‘Character’ makes an area attractive as a place to live, work and invest. It is the result of many elements: location, landscapes, views, architectural features, and heritage assets. Heritage assets include sites and buildings listed in the City’s Heritage Inventory for their important contribution to sense of place in Regina and overall community value for future generations.

The aim of this project is to develop a set of recommendations to City Council that clarifies heritage and character conservation objectives, rationale and expectations in the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods.

Sign up to stay informed and receive updates on community workshops, surveys and other opportunities to comment on interim project results.

Wallace Insights has been contracted to study regulatory options and lead this public engagement. Input received will also inform the work to update the Cathedral and Lakeview Neighbourhood Plans when that work is undertaken as part of the City’s Neighbourhood Plan Program.

Photo Story Project

about 3 years

The Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods each have a unique sense of place. Using this Photo Story Map, pin a location and tell us (with photos and words) what you think makes it special or creates the particular character of these areas. You may add your own photos or photos from the internet. Please do not use any personal information about yourself or others.

Need inspiration? Check out some of the examples already added. They include specific features of homes and businesses, landscape features, views, local arts, paths and connections, cultural diversity, a mix of time periods and neighbourliness. We encourage you to add more, and to think of new things too! 

Watch our how-to video

HOW YOUR PHOTO STORY WILL BE USED: We will collect Photo Stories on this map until November 24, 2021. All input will be anonymized to protect privacy. Input will be put into themes for discussion in a series of workshops and an online survey focused on defining the character of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods that participants feel should be protected and enhanced into the future. 

If you are a resident or business owner within the Cathedral or Lakeview neighbourhood and are interested in taking part in upcoming workshops, please email

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.