What is the purpose of this project?

    This project has several goals:

    1. To develop a set of definitions for the unique character areas found in the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods.
    2. To put areas on a map where these character definitions apply.
    3. To consider, and then recommend, a set of regulatory tools appropriate to maintain and enhance this unique character into the future.
    4. To clarify how community goals for heritage, affordability and sustainability need not be viewed as competing with each other in these neighbourhoods.

    Why have the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods been singled out?

    These neighbourhoods contain a high concentration of heritage designated properties and more are being added to the Heritage Property Register each year. These assets contribute to the overall value and sense of place within the neighbourhoods and the city as a whole. However, two (2) recent heritage property matters were brought forward to Regina City Council that were the subject of debate; specifically, the Bagshaw Residence (56 Angus Crescent) and the Cook House (3160 Albert Street). The City of Regina seeks greater clarity on the heritage, architectural, and other features of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods that contribute to the unique character of these communities. This project has been formed to provide that clarity.

    What is community ‘character’?

    ‘Character’ is created by individual parts that may or may not be interesting on their own, but together with other parts form a valued sense of place and uniqueness.

    To define ‘character’ this project will consider:

    Heritage assets: Heritage assets are sites that are architecturally or historically significant based on the following criteria:

    1. its importance in illustrating or interpreting the history of the city or a neighbourhood;
    2. is association with important individuals, groups or events;
    3. its illustration of the architectural or design history of the city;
    4. its embodiment of distinct or unusual spatial organizations, circulation systems, land use and patterns, ecological or vegetative features, architectural or design characteristics, or particular styles or methods of construction;
    5. its location in an area of historical or architectural interest; and
    6. its historical or architectural integrity.

    These criteria have been guided by considerations contained in the Canadian Register of Historic Places: Writing Statements of Significance.

    Character-defining elements: Such elements may include specific architectural features, views, landscape features, or intangible elements. Intangible elements may demonstrate:

    1. cultural diversity;
    2. various time periods;
    3. local arts;
    4. inclusivity and neighbourliness;
    5. sustainability/viability; and
    6. connections.

    The character of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods is not the same, nor is the character uniform across each entire neighbourhood. There are areas of unique character within each that will be considered and defined by this project.

    How does protecting heritage and ‘character’ help a neighbourhood?

    The City of Calgary published an excellent overview of the benefits of heritage conservation. Highlights of their review identify:

    • Economic benefits that include renovation jobs, tourism spending, cultural ‘placemaking’ as a competitive advantage, and use by entrepreneurs, artists and others investing in the ‘innovation economy’.
    • Environmental benefits resulting from avoiding demolition waste in landfills and carbon savings achieved through repairs instead of new construction.
    • Social and cultural benefits including education and identity.

    These benefits will be further explored through the Community Learning Opportunities associated with this project (coming soon!)

    What kinds of regulatory tools are typically used to maintain heritage and ‘character’?

    Typical tools include:

    • Zoning Bylaw
    • Holding provisions
    • Interim Development Control
    • Architectural Control District
    • Heritage Conservation District
    • Direct Control District
    • Demolition Control District


    Each of these regulatory processes have strengths and weaknesses depending on the level of conservation desired. An overview of the regulatory tools currently in use in Regina is available for more details. The project consultant has also prepared a review of regulatory gaps and opportunities.

    Is the intent to prevent anything from changing?

    No. Investment in these neighbourhoods is important to their ongoing vitality. A goal of this project is to clarify how investment can be sensitive to their heritage and unique character. There are opportunities for civic goals for heritage, affordability and sustainability to be realized in Cathedral and Lakeview as a result of this project.

    If new regulatory tools are adopted, what does this mean for property owners in the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods?

    Each potential regulatory tool has different implications for property owners; all tools add clarity and certainty to enable development.

    How would new regulatory tools affect current zoning?

    This project does not anticipate any changes to existing land use or zoning. A set of Infill Guidelines are currently in place as a regulatory overlay in the zoning bylaw. The project may identify additional clarity to these Guidelines to encourage investment that enhances the unique character of the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods. Other tools being considered are a Direct Control District, Architectural Control District and Heritage Conservation District. Each of these introduce additional detail, making development outcomes more predictable.

    Could other neighbourhoods be considered in future?

    Conservation of Community Character is largely community driven. Regina residents participating in the City’s Neighbourhood Planning Program have identified the character of their communities as something they are concerned about. This project will share learnings and results with this Program.

    How can property owners and members of the community get involved?

    Photo Story Project - A Photo Story map allows you to add photos and brief descriptions of the locations, landscapes, views, architectural features, and heritage assets you feel are important for defining the sense of place unique to the Cathedral and Lakeview neighbourhoods. It will be open until November 19. 

    Workshops (online) – Register by emailing planning@wallaceinsights.com to receive the Zoom link.

    Cathedral Deep Dive on Character 

    7 p.m., Tuesday, November 30

    Lakeview Deep Dive on Character 

    7 p.m., Thursday, December 2

    Cathedral Deep Dive on Protecting Character 

    7 p.m., Tuesday, January 18

    Lakeview Deep Dive on Protecting Character 

    7 p.m., Thursday, January 20

    If you are new to using Zoom, please refer to the Zoom help page to help you participate in the workshops. We recommend downloading the Zoom application on your computer or cellphone. Joining from web browser is possible but some features and settings are limited.

    Surveys (online) – For those interested in participating but unable to attend the workshops, we will have online surveys available. Stay informed by entering your email on the project page to receive project updates and to participate in the surveys.

    Email – Send your thoughts and questions to planning@wallaceinsights.com anytime.