Future of Scarth Street

What's next for Scarth? Share your thoughts on street revitalization. Banner for the project page. Features a visual rendering of the project.

We are excited to share the draft Vision and Design for Scarth Street Mall!

This has been influenced by the feedback we have received from Regina residents and local businesses through previous engagement opportunities, including the survey in 2023 and public pop-up sessions, online engagement, and consultations with occupants on the mall and community organizations in 2024.

The results of this research and review have determined that the space is best maintained as a pedestrian-only public space.

The image below shows the conceptual design proposed for the future Scarth Street Mall.

Conceptual Design. Click to view enlarged image.

The conceptual design sets the direction for the future revitalization of Scarth Street Mall and identifies key elements, their approximate location, and the overall layout of the space.

To read more about the various inspirations and inputs to the design, more is included below in the News Feed.

What's next for Scarth? Share your thoughts on street revitalization. Banner for the project page. Features a visual rendering of the project.

We are excited to share the draft Vision and Design for Scarth Street Mall!

This has been influenced by the feedback we have received from Regina residents and local businesses through previous engagement opportunities, including the survey in 2023 and public pop-up sessions, online engagement, and consultations with occupants on the mall and community organizations in 2024.

The results of this research and review have determined that the space is best maintained as a pedestrian-only public space.

The image below shows the conceptual design proposed for the future Scarth Street Mall.

Conceptual Design. Click to view enlarged image.

The conceptual design sets the direction for the future revitalization of Scarth Street Mall and identifies key elements, their approximate location, and the overall layout of the space.

To read more about the various inspirations and inputs to the design, more is included below in the News Feed.

Vision & Design Feedback

Share your thoughts on the draft Vision and Conceptual Design through this Feedback tool between now and February 4, 2025.

The next phase of the project will further refine the design, the specific fixed components (like lighting, art, seating) as well as how the flexible spaces will operate and enable activities and events throughout the year.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded. Thank you for your contributions.

The feedback clearly indicated a need for greater safety measures and more police presence. Please explain how the proposed design increases safety and police access. Currently due to limited or no access/patrol by police there are drugs blatantly being used and sold on the mall benches daily. You can't miss the aroma of cannabis and my young grandaughter has witnessed and asked me what a person is doing as they inject themselves. Later she asks what is wrong with the person as they are visibly stoned and begging for money. My home has been subjected repeatedly with individuals using drugs in our hallways and stairwells as well as using these areas as toilets. "DOTS" clearly indicated they moved to the Southland Mall due to security and safety concerns and there are many vacant store fronts and far less activity at the bars and restaurants in the pedestrian only mall than there are on Scarth Street between Victoria Ave. and 12th Ave, especially during the evenings due to these safety/security concerns. Adding greenery with no access, surveillance and police presence will likely compound the problem and continue to drive business away.

Can you also outline how the proposed plan accommodates drop-offs, pick-ups and deliveries
for businesses and residents on the Mall especially for residents and customers who are handicapped as this was clearly identified as a need.

Lastly what evidence is there that would support the need for more space for pop ups and events as there has never been any spillover onto the Scarth Street Mall for any of the events hosted in Victoria Park and/or 12th Avenue - Grey Cup 2013, Frozen 2025, Farmers Markets, June 21 celebrations, etc.

LARusnak about 1 month ago

As residents who live and work on the "mall" we would have preferred to have some traffic accessibility along the mall to make it more attractive to businesses that would in their own turn attract more pedestrians. But if a pedestrian area only is the the chosen option then what is the City administration's plan for actually making the area secure and safe enough for pedestrians, which is already a struggle. It appears to us that unless the security concerns are addressed this concept will only promote an increase in the already problematic drug use, homelessness and crime issues that we are already experiencing on the mall and that is spilling in to the buildings and businesses along it. And that will actually drive pedestrians away, not attract them.

NC condos about 1 month ago

Young people want cities that are built for people and not just for driving. There needs to be areas where people can socialize, walk around and have fun. Young people who are economic drivers need to have spaces where they feel comfortable, and putting cars over people will push young persons to look elsewhere for more forward thinking cities.

D_Craig_W about 1 month ago

This is overdue. Thought needs to be given to how the space will work with the under-utilized Fiacco Plaza and future 12th Ave event space.
Trees are essential, but more needs to be invested in tree maintenance, including watering during the early years and during drought. Also if trees are planted in grates in the surface rather than in the existing planters, effort needs to be made to protect them from salt. This likely means heavy watering in spring to wash away de-icing salt.
With the street closed (meaning no street parking and poor traffic flow on both Scarth and 12th), more effort needs to made to keep the alley between Scarth and Hamilton open and only closing the Plaza to traffic when absolutely necessary. That is, not the day before an event, for example. Lack of street parking and poor traffic flow dissuades people from coming downtown.
Security is also key. People feel unsafe. There should be zero tolerance for creating a disturbance, drug use or littering. Arrests should be made, even though everyone knows they will be released anyway.

TowerWorker about 2 months ago

Thank you for offering up this forum for citizen feedback.

As many/most others, I agree with keeping as pedestrian only. I also share concerns with spending money in the hopes to attract more business down there. I have always felt that if Scarth Street was a hub of pubs/resteraunts with a good variety of live music during the day and every night, this would be a hub of activity. More people = safer.

The fastest way to accomplish this is tax breaks to the bars/resteraunts that operate on Scarth, not on beautification projects.

Hopefully, with things to do downtown in the evening, more people will be willing to live downtown with it being safer to walk the streets.

Dcur about 2 months ago

I appreciate the decision to keep Scarth Street mall as a pedestrian walkway. Let us now take it one step further to keep it this way. We are a winter city so lets build it accordingly. Spend money first on enclosing it like a large sun room or greenhouse where certain parts can be opened in the warm/hot months. Look at it as an extension/transition stage between Cornwall Mall, a fully enclosed, heated structure & Victoria Park/Fiaco Plaza that is completely exposed to potential harsh elements. Other related factors like more downtown housing (Federal money utilization?) & parking should also be dealt with before hand or at least at the same time.

Gerhart about 2 months ago

Thank you for not putting cars through Scarth Street. Only comment is for there to be at least one "3 season" pop up bar/cafe/restaurant thoughtfully designed into Scarth Street / Vic Park Plaza area. It's a really nice area but with the Novia Cafe building being burnt down and the lack of storefronts in Scarth street right now, would be nice to have more welcoming spots that encourage people to get outside and be able to buy a drink/coffee.

nickfaye about 2 months ago

I like the conceptual design but I also like some of the suggestions in the comments like adding a water feature. The total cost/budget should also be part of this discussion for City Council. No point in approving a vision/conceptual design that might be "champagne tastes" when the City might have a "beer budget". Need to make sure what's proposed is affordable.

Augs about 2 months ago

Where can we find the proposed costs for this redesign? I am concerned that the City is proposing too many projects that will significantly impact the City of Regina's Taxpayers within a short period. How are we going to address this? especially when we have a significant number of people 18+ who are non-taxpayers. There is only so much we can handle before we, as individuals, start to go backward financially.

ELMTREE about 2 months ago

Would love to see designated biking lanes of some sort. Green paint or whatever. All major urban centers have some sort of designated biking indicators. If we can improve bicycle access to our downtown, our centre should be filled with bikes in the summer.

DevonMcC about 2 months ago

Pedestrian only, please. Safety is an issue and this area will require that aspect to be looked after.

GerryAngeloFincati about 2 months ago

I prefer to see the area remain pedestrian-only. The design is okay, but it does not create a unique experience that distinguishes Regina from other cities. However, like many taxpayers, I believe the city should focus on managing the budget and controlling debt before committing additional funds. It is already difficult for many residents to make ends meet, and further increases in the tax rate would only worsen financial strain. Safety is a significant concern, particularly with the crime rate and issues of being hassled by the homeless. After a couple of personal experiences, I no longer feel safe going downtown alone. Accessibility is another important consideration. Cobblestones create a rough ride for those using scooters or wheelchairs, making them a barrier for some individuals. While the seating is a good idea, it must also be designed to accommodate mobility devices. The bollards are an excellent safety feature, but the overall design must also ensure that the farmers market—a vital community resource—is not negatively affected. Additionally, improvements to handicap parking should be prioritized to enhance accessibility. Overall, I am not in favor that this project goes ahead as it is not well thought out.

Just me about 2 months ago

I like what you have put together and that and that you have thought about how to make more use of it throughout the year. I am extremely happy that it is remaining as a walking/peoples area.

BossMan about 2 months ago

1) I believe like others more though must put in for winter usage and that being functional usage for our winter season. ( This not Vancouver , Montreal or California so don't develop for that which we are not) With that snow clearing should be taken into account and done in a timely manner and not have permeant or temporary structors make this task impossible.

2) You also have a near by proposed project on the Old Burns Hanley site these two areas should be developed to complement each other not against each other.

3) How will the Pat Fiacco Plaza fit in with these two developments as well as Victoria Park. These four sites ( Scarth Street , The Plaza , Victoria Park and the Burns Hanley site) really are one blended area.

4) Don't screw-up we need a downtown that is welcoming and makes you feel safe and you want to be there regardless the season.It shouldn't be strictly be event focus.This place should one you just want to be there whether you have a dollar in your pocket or not.

FlatLander about 2 months ago

I would like to see the farmers market expand into the center of this area. The current plan won't provide room for the farmers market. The trees look good and I like the movable tables in the middle. It's also nice to see that we are keeping Scarth Street for pedestrians.

ST about 2 months ago

Delighted to see that it will be maintained as a pedestrian street. We need more of those downtown and we need more restaurants with patios downtown

hadjistt about 2 months ago

Looks like an amazing place in both the summer and the winter.

I love how the bricks extent out into the intersection connecting towards the Cornwall Centre. It really bridges that gap and connects the two. It would be great if this was a 6 metre wide crosswalk, raised to the level of the curb. Bollards are a great addition on both ends of the street and immensely help with pedestrian safety.

Moveable furniture is great. I distinctly notice how people choose to sit in the sun or the shade, depending on the day. This will help people choose how they want to enjoy the street.

I like the idea from another resident about programmable LED lighting to set the mood for specific events.

Overall a great concept. I'd be very happy if it remains pedestrian-only. I imagine one day the street will be bustling with business and residents enjoying downtown—this certainly puts us on that path.

luccampbell about 2 months ago

This is an excellent plan that reflects feedback that i sent previously. I support it remaining pedestrian only.

kmcgardener about 2 months ago

Hi there, I truly believe that this initiative is a waste of money and time from our city tax payers. Until the city fights the problem of homelessness, crime, safety and other issues, in our downtown area, people won't come downtown. Its not safe. Last year, I attended FROST downtown and at REAL. Its a great iniciative and incentive however you need to take a look at the attendance records of the downtown area and in the evenings it was dead quiet. I know some have a vision but until the other probelms are resolved people won't be encouraged to come to downtown city of Regina.

ShareBear about 2 months ago

I am always amused at how planners, administration, and most commentors seem to blithely ignore that Regina has at least 5 months of winter. Here's to more outside seating and gathering places! And oooo... "surface pattern variation"... that'll look great!.... from SPACE...

OnceProudReginan about 2 months ago
Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 04:47 PM