Parks Master Plan

Thank you to everyone who participated in our surveys and shared their goals and vision of the future for Regina's parks system. Our Parks Master Plan has been approved by Council, May 2, and is now being implemented. 

The City of Regina is developing a Parks Master Plan to guide policies for our parks system as a whole and provide a clear path to sustain, improve, and develop Regina’s parks.

To date, the City has conducted two surveys to gather resident experiences, use of, and goals for our parks system.

Review the results from the first round of engagement.

Review the results from the second round of engagement.

These engagements informed a report that will go to City Council's Executive Committee for consideration on May 1, 2024.

The City of Regina is developing a Parks Master Plan to guide policies for our parks system as a whole and provide a clear path to sustain, improve, and develop Regina’s parks.

To date, the City has conducted two surveys to gather resident experiences, use of, and goals for our parks system.

Review the results from the first round of engagement.

Review the results from the second round of engagement.

These engagements informed a report that will go to City Council's Executive Committee for consideration on May 1, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our surveys and shared their goals and vision of the future for Regina's parks system. Our Parks Master Plan has been approved by Council, May 2, and is now being implemented. 

  • Survey 2

    We are thankful for all the residents who responded to our first survey and are helping to shape the future of our parks.

    What we heard from the first survey:

    • Nearly four in five visit City parks weekly and roughly two-thirds use City parks year-round
    • Almost the same number of respondents said they enjoy unstructured activities like bird watching, picnicking or reading as those who access the parks for organized sporting activities or attending community events
    • Most park users are interested in sustainability, conservation, more interpretive signage and naturalized spaces.

    The survey was available from April 14 through April 28, 2022.

  • Survey 1

    The City of Regina is developing a Parks Master Plan and needs resident input to make sure we get it right. We have 318 parks which include more than 13 square kilometers if parkland which are used year-round.

    We are asking residents to complete a survey about our parks, how they are used and what could be improved. The survey will be open from October 1 through October 11, 2021