Why is the City upgrading this park?

    There are projects such as the public washroom and spray pad that require infrastructure renewal. Additionally, the City’s new accessible playgrounds standards have identified a gap in infrastructure in the city’s south end. Also, the Regina Ski Club approached the City about doing some grading work and tree planting in the park to aid in snow capture. Strategically, all of these items will allow us to tender a project that will hopefully result in savings and efficiency due to project scale. We also want to avoid completing a project only to come back to dig up the site years later to complete other work.

    When is the upgrade proposed to take place?

    The intent is to tender the entirety of the City’s scope along with the first phase of the Regina Ski Club’s proposed upgrades in the spring 2025. Construction would take place in the summer with completion in October. Once the tender is received, we may need to revisit the project scope, so the plans may potentially have to be implemented through phases.

    How will construction impact traffic in the area?

    The park is bordered by roads on two sides with partial access off a third road. While we do foresee a slight uptick in traffic to access the park, it should be minimal.

    What are the upgrades going to cost?

    The total budget for the City’s scope of the project is $2.19 million. The breakdown is as follows:

    • Park upgrade including playground, toboggan hill, bioswale, and associated works and plantings - $1.3 million
    • Spray pad - $650,000
    • Washroom building - $240,000

    The Regina Ski Club budget for phase 1 is anticipated to be $50,000 which will happen at the same time as the park upgrade. The remaining phases will be completed in the future

    What was done for community engagement?

    The City has been working with the Regina Ski Club on their upgrade desires to finalize a conceptual master plan, and we have engaged with the local Community Association. This is the beginning of the community engagement. We are now going to engage neighbours of the park and the broader community.

    How long will construction take?

    The intention is for completion in 2025 for the City’s scope and the Ski Club’s phase one works. This will, however, depend on budget approval, when we can get to market with the tender, and weather.

    For the remaining phases of the Ski Club’s works, the City will be working with them in the years to come to complete as they are dependent on the availability of funds from the Ski Club.

    Upgrades just happened at Lakeview Park. Why are you updating another park in the same community and not one in another area of the city?

    While Lakeview Park has recently been upgraded, the spray pad at Kinsmen Park South requires replacement at this time due to underlying issues. In addition, the washroom requires replacement, and the Ski Club approached the City with the opportunity for a partnership. On top of that, recently completed Accessible Playground Standards show a gap in accessible playgrounds in the south. We are simply taking advantage of this situation, to be able to provide a spot that fills a service delivery gap at the same time as providing other opportunities that Lakeview Park doesn’t provide.

    Will there be a warming center in the winter months given the intent to make the park a winter hub?

    At this point there is no plan to add a warm-up shelter to the park. Instead, we hope that we are able to create a spot that provides a wind break and one of the City’s fire pits to allow people to warm up.

    Why are the proposed elements being located at the location shown?

    The washroom, spray pad and playground are located in a central hub area for ease of access and to take advantage of existing infrastructure to reduce costs and construction impact. Since this will be a location for an accessible playground, what we heard through consultation with the disability community when developing the playgrounds standards is that ideally, washrooms are close to accessible park features.

    Is it possible to include <Insert Amenity> as well since there are extensive changes being made already?

    At this time the washroom, spray pad and playground have to be replaced. The toboggan hill allows us to keep excavated material on site, saving us the cost of trucking material, while at the same time creating a place for additional winter activities. Currently these are the only elements we can accommodate within the current budget. If you have suggestions for other amenities, we can take your thoughts away with us to determine if there is a way to incorporate them, but we can’t make commitments at this time. 

    Won’t this increase demand for parking? How will the extra parking be handled?

    We anticipate a minor increase in parking demand, but there is ample parking along Kings Road, which allows parking on both sides of the street. We will be reaching out to our Traffic Department to determine if there can be a couple of designated accessible spots on the street. During non-school hours the new parking lot at the northwest corner of Kings Road and Lakeview Avenue can be used as well.