Catalyst Committee

Consultation has concluded


The report from the Catalyst Committee has been approved.

In August 2022, City Council created a Catalyst Committee to explore how to best align five proposed recreation and cultural-based facility proposals to maximize economic and community benefits.

The five proposed projects are:

  • The Indoor Aquatic Centre
  • The Modernization of the Central Library
  • The Multi-Purpose Event Centre
  • The Multi-Purpose Outdoor Baseball Event Centre
  • The Synthetic Outdoor Field Project (Soccer)

These projects have the potential to attract people and businesses to Regina’s city centre, stimulating economic development and tourism, and improving community safety and quality of life for Regina residents.

In the fall of 2022, residents participated in public information sessions and an online survey to learn about the projects and provide their feedback and preferred prioritization of the various projects. Video recordings and PDF files of each project presentation are linked under the Documents and Videos sections of this page. Results of the online survey (including open-ended responses) are also available in the Documents section.


The report from the Catalyst Committee has been approved.

In August 2022, City Council created a Catalyst Committee to explore how to best align five proposed recreation and cultural-based facility proposals to maximize economic and community benefits.

The five proposed projects are:

  • The Indoor Aquatic Centre
  • The Modernization of the Central Library
  • The Multi-Purpose Event Centre
  • The Multi-Purpose Outdoor Baseball Event Centre
  • The Synthetic Outdoor Field Project (Soccer)

These projects have the potential to attract people and businesses to Regina’s city centre, stimulating economic development and tourism, and improving community safety and quality of life for Regina residents.

In the fall of 2022, residents participated in public information sessions and an online survey to learn about the projects and provide their feedback and preferred prioritization of the various projects. Video recordings and PDF files of each project presentation are linked under the Documents and Videos sections of this page. Results of the online survey (including open-ended responses) are also available in the Documents section.

Consultation has concluded

Have a question about the work of the catalyst committee? Ask us here! 

  • The timeline and process for public consultation on this project is ludicrous - basically four days - with no real estimate of how it will impact our taxes. The Catalyst Committee is a hand-picked group with vested interests who are basically implementing REAL's Christmas list for capital projects now that their former Chair is the Mayor. We don't need a downtown arena cluttering the streets with more parking problems and traffic congestion. It's interesting that no detailed map was provided for the downtown proposal, since it would require ripping out what is left of various heritage buildings. A new Central Library should be a stand alone structure that is an attraction in its own right, like we see in Calgary, Vancouver, Winnipeg. Not something added on to a new Arena. Also what happened to the promise for housing projects in the former Taylor Field? None of the existing plans for neighbourhoods or downtown are being considered. Regina needs affordable housing, better transit, multiple level parking downtown and a poverty reduction strategy, which was what the new Mayor campaigned on. Also these projects are guaranteed to run millions of dollars over budget if they are built in the current economic climate with rising interest rates and supply chain issues.

    homeowner asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding the Catalyst Committee public consultation process, and the proposed projects.

    Your comments have been shared with the Catalyst Committee.

  • From one of your previous responses: "The 16 Catalyst Committee members were selected to ensure broad community representation, as well as to ensure the committee possessed the knowledge and expertise required to assess the proposed projects and to prepare a recommendation to Council that would be most beneficial to our city." I would like you to please explain exactly why each member was chosen and which part of the community you feel they represent. I don't see a single person on that list that I feel represents myself, nor the many people struggling with homelessness. I am also unsure why you felt the need to include the CEO of a grain handling/marketing company.....

    Dave asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for writing.
    The best answer to this question would come from City Council itself, as they struck the Catalyst Committee. The details you're asking for can only be provided by Council. Our focus here is to help clarify work related to the Catalyst Committee. It's beyond the scope of this Q&A forum to provide detailed explanations of City Council decisions. We invite you to consider contacting your Councilor directly.

  • I previously asked: You seem proud that you "engaged mainstream media" to inform people. If you really wanted to inform and gather input from the citizens of this city, why didn't you simply add an insert to every mailed water bill and an attachment to every emailed bill (which would've cost NOTHING)? Your resoonse: Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the notification related to the public engagement sessions, and for your suggestion regarding the utility bill inserts. Please note that bill inserts are regularly considered as one of many ways we inform residents about important matters. In this case, a combination of a variety of logistics made this option unavailable. Please elaborate on the "combination of a variety of logistics" that "made this option unavailable." I would like to know why a mailer wasn't use. To me your response is nothing more than jargon trying to cover for the fact that you haven't done a very good job of informing the public. I would like a proper explanation.

    Dave asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your comment.
    The most important reason mail was not used as part of this communications strategy is: the Catalyst Committee is working quickly in order to meet its deadline. The development and deployment of effective, accurate mailouts required more time than was available. 

  • You seem proud that you "engaged mainstream media" to inform people. If you really wanted to inform and gather input from the citizens of this city, why didn't you simply add an insert to every mailed water bill and an attachment to every emailed bill (which would've cost NOTHING)?

    Dave asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the notification related to the public engagement sessions, and for your suggestion regarding the utility bill inserts. Please note that bill inserts are regularly considered as one of many ways we inform residents about important matters. In this case, a combination of a variety of logistics made this option unavailable.   

    We have shared your concerns with the Catalyst Committee and the City of Regina Communications team. 

  • On August 29, 2022 during CBC's Blue Sky program, a researcher on downtown sports facilities was discussing whether these types of facilities can be successful. He stated two things I think are important to consider: 1) that to be successful, these facilities need to be aggressively managed with 200+ active days per year. The Arena Planning Committee estimates that the arena here would be active 100 days/year and Tim Reid has been honest that it would be dark 2/3 of the year (I appreciate that honesty and transparency). 2: That you can't plan these facilities in isolation of a larger downtown plan that considers housing/daily amendments/green space/transit. It begs the question why we are not funding our initial downtown plan that provides direction on all of these things?

    urbanity asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your comment. 

    These projects are all in early stages and no decisions regarding locations have been made. The Catalyst Committee will review the project proposals, community feedback, and existing community plans, then using their expertise make a recommendation to Council that will be most beneficial to our city. City Council holds the final approval authority.

    Your concerns and thoughts have been shared with the Catalyst Committee.

  • Why were there no homeowners on the catalyst community? As a homeowner in Heritage (and Al Ritchie), I think this entertainment center being proposed in the railway yards downtown needs to be rethought. Perhaps city council could consider moving this center outside the city like Saskatoon did. We're not going to revamp neighborhoods by adding entertainment centers and stadiums in already crappy areas of town. Some of my reasoning: - The noise and traffic is going to negatively affect the houses in Heritage. We can already hear noise from the stadium and the Ex. - There are already traffic issues aroud downtown - Sask Drive, Dewdney, Albert, Broad. - When the city floods, the underpasses at Albert and Broad will cause more issues with the traffic. - We have enough problems in the neighborhood with transiants and homeless folks. It's a high crime area already. Adding drunk folks to this will not help. I recently tried to sell my house in Heritage. The house is totally renovated (over 13 years living there) - 4 bedroom, full basement, double garage, fenced yard. It would easily be worth $300,000 in another neighborhood. I listed it at $250,000 and eventually dropped the price to $200,000. I couldn't even get that, so I had to rent it. Having this entertainment center downtown will further drive prices down. I realize most of City Council doesn't live in this area so maybe they aren't aware of the issues and concerns.

    Homeowner asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your thoughts and questions. 

    The 16 Catalyst Committee members were selected to ensure broad community representation, as well as to ensure the committee possessed the knowledge and expertise required to assess the proposed projects and to prepare a recommendation to Council that would be most beneficial to our city. 

    Your concerns and question have been shared with the Catalyst Committee. 

  • Why are we looking at any projects while having homeless people in our cities living in tents? That won't attract visitors to our city.

    CJ asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    This question was raised at the information sessions and the response below is based on answers provided by the Co-Chairs of the Catalyst Committee. 

    Council considers homelessness to be an urgent priority. Through the 2023/24 Budget process, Council is considering a proposal for funding solutions to homelessness. 

    The five catalyst projects are projects originally proposed to Council individually. The Catalyst Committee was formed to assess all five projects, to consider their interconnectivity and synergies, and to make a recommendation for Council's consideration. 

    Your comments have been shared with the Catalyst Committee. 

  • Why not put money where we need it. Revitalized downtown built for people. Better public transport. Rental bikes. More ground level storefronts. Safe places to lockup bikes. More green spaces. Low income housing.

    Dave asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your comments.  

    Your comments have been shared with the Catalyst Committee. 

  • Why was this not made more public?!? Once again the city of Regina leaves city planning to corporate interests and makes it as hard as possible for the public to have a say.

    Dave asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.  

    On behalf of the Catalyst Committee, the City of Regina and the REAL District each undertook a promotional effort to provide residents with advance notification of this week's public engagement opportunities. We also engaged mainstream media and were pleased to see significant coverage of the events in the week leading up to the event, and throughout all eight meetings over all four days.   

    Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts through the online survey, and are able to submit presentations to the Catalyst Committee (Word, PDF, or PowerPoint) via email to

    Your comments have been shared with the Catalyst Committee. 

  • I wish to echo what user,, said. As a resident of Regina, and specifically downtown, I have found it impossible to attend these meetings. Between poor transit options and mid day scheduling, it does seem as if these meetings were structured in a way to deliberately keep average residents out of the process. I have yet to meet another homeowner in my area (downtown) who wants *any* of these vanity projects to be built when our city still lacks basic amenities like adequate public transit and affordable housing.

    R asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your thoughts.

    Your comments regarding accessibility of this weeks' meetings have been shared with the Catalyst Committee.

    The presentation slides and recordings of each project presentation are available for review by residents on Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts on the catalyst projects through the survey, and are invited to submit comments, concerns and/or presentations of their own to the Catalyst Committee through