Adapted Recreation

Consultation has concluded

The City wants your input to make recreation more accessible for people with disabilities. What barriers do you experience when accessing recreation and leisure? What supports would make it easier? What types of adapted programming would you like to see?

Your feedback is important as we prepare an Adapted Recreation Plan that will improve accessibility within our City recreation facilities. We want to hear from anyone who experiences a barrier or supports someone who does to learn more about opportunities that exist for accessible recreation and leisure.

Please complete the Adapted Recreation Survey which will run from November 19 to December 3. The survey is open to all City of Regina residents.

To request a phone survey or printed copy, please contact Service Regina at 306-777-7000 or email Print copies will also be available through select stakeholder organizations.

The City wants your input to make recreation more accessible for people with disabilities. What barriers do you experience when accessing recreation and leisure? What supports would make it easier? What types of adapted programming would you like to see?

Your feedback is important as we prepare an Adapted Recreation Plan that will improve accessibility within our City recreation facilities. We want to hear from anyone who experiences a barrier or supports someone who does to learn more about opportunities that exist for accessible recreation and leisure.

Please complete the Adapted Recreation Survey which will run from November 19 to December 3. The survey is open to all City of Regina residents.

To request a phone survey or printed copy, please contact Service Regina at 306-777-7000 or email Print copies will also be available through select stakeholder organizations.

Consultation has concluded
  • Background

    In June 2021, the City contracted consultants John Loeppky and Traci Foster from Listen to Dis’ Community Arts. Listen to Dis’ is a Regina-based, disability-led arts organization with a strong history of cultural and recreational programming, disability audits, and consultation work around inclusion and access. John and Traci are both disabled artists themselves, and each has been personally and professionally engaged in arts, culture, sport and/or recreation for many years.

    This survey follows focus groups that were held in summer 2021. A summary of the responses will be included in a report to City Council in early 2022 and will influence our next steps in making recreation and leisure more accessible for people with disabilities.