Cosmetic Pesticide: Non-essential use of pesticides strictly for aesthetic purposes.
Pesticide: Is any substance that is intended to kill something unwanted. This includes a variety of other subgroups including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, avicides rodenticides.
· Herbicide – Intended to kill a plant
· Insecticide – Intended to kill an insect
· Fungicide – intended to kill a fungus
· Avicide – intended to kill a bird
· Rodenticide – intended to kill a rodent
Biologicals: The use of living organisms (parasites, predators, pathogens) to eliminate, reduce or maintain pest populations to acceptable levels.
Cultural: Management practices that focus on the prevention of pests by use of proper planting, pruning, mulching, and sanitation practices.
Mechanical interruption:
· Mouse traps
· Sticky traps like tree bands
Thank you to those who shared their thoughts on pesticide use in the city.