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All should be heard ..

The Indian residential school system had its origins in laws enacted BEFORE Confederation in 1867, but it was primarily active from the passage of the Indian Act in 1876. In 1876, the Prime Minister was Alexander MacKenzie NOT J.A. MacDonald ! An AMENDMENT to the INDIAN ACT IN 1894, made attendance at day schools, industrial schools, or residential school COMPULSORY for First Nations children. Sir John A. McDonald DIED in 1891, years before this amendment !!

It would be more accurate to vilify several generations of Canadian politicians from that era. However, at what generation should we stop ? This is really a path down the rabbit hole. We should always call out social injustices, but in the context of what this generation is doing to achieve social equality. Why this petty, senseless statue bashing ? You either bash all statues or none. Thank you !

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