The History

One of the projects to emerge from the work of the Catalyst Committee, the Central Loop Trail was the second project to be funded for construction, following the Indoor Aquatic Facility. Construction is planned to begin next year with a focus on creating new connections to the Downtown. The exact route of the pathway has not been determined yet, but the completed pathway will connect the McNab, Cathedral, Lakeview, North Central, Downtown and Transitional neighbourhoods.

The Central Loop Trail will use 5A philosophy in its design development, making sure that the pathway is Always Available for All Ages & Abilities. The pathway will be built so that it can be cleared in the winter, and that it will be safe and comfortable for anyone to use it. It will also feature a variety a number of ‘nodes’, locations where public art, public information, and amenities are available. Wherever possible the Central Loop Trail will support and reinforce existing trials and amenities.

Below is a timeline of the project's history to-date:

  • February 2023
    City Council approves a trail system as a result of the Catalyst Committee Report
  • Q2-Q3 2023
    Preliminary research and route analysis undertaken
  • Q4 2023
    General route of the pathway system identified
  • December 2023
    Landscape Architecture firm hired to support placemaking and theming of pathway system
  • March 2024
    Funding for pathway system partially redirected to Globe Theatre

The Central Loop Trail will use 5A philosophy in its design development, making sure that the pathway is Always Available for All Ages & Abilities. The pathway will be built so that it can be cleared in the winter, and that it will be safe and comfortable for anyone to use it. It will also feature a variety a number of ‘nodes’, locations where public art, public information, and amenities are available. Wherever possible the Central Loop Trail will support and reinforce existing trails and amenities.

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