Valuable Input Provided at First Round of Workshops
The project team received valuable community insights at workshops held November 30 (Cathedral) and December 2 (Lakeview). Strong character themes emerging for both neighbourhoods include the importance of variety, walkability, local business, and trees. Themes specifically creating a ‘sense of place’ in Cathedral include porches, art, and gardening. ‘Fit’ with existing character is a topic of discussion emerging in Lakeview. These and other themes are expected to be more fully developed as the project continues into the new year.
Additional workshops focused on Defining Character are also planned for January 11 (Cathedral) and January 13 (Lakeview).
At the request of community members, the Photo Story Project is being extended to January 21.
Through December, the Team will prepare a Study Guide for the Protecting Character series of workshops scheduled for January 18 (Cathedral) and January 20 (Lakeview). This Guide will incorporate learnings from feedback received to date.
Consultation has concluded