Project Entering Final Phase
The Project Team has now completed the following activities:
- Character Data Collection
- Eight (8) chats with key informant groups to establish scope
- An Architectural Character Study
- Compilation of eleven (11) community learning resources
- Engagement with 214 visitors to the Photo Story Project
- Stakeholder-Informed Character Definitions
- Four (4) workshops with 31 participants
- Online discussion forum with 40 contributions
- Character Area Identification
- Concentration mapping for character elements
- Exercises at two (2) workshops with 13 participants
- Municipal Tool Identification
- A Regulatory Options Study
- Exercises at two (2) workshops with 13 participants
What Municipal Tools were explored?
There are a wide variety of municipal tools available to protect these character themes, ranging from policy (i.e. broad statements which provide guidance toward a desired outcome) to regulation (i.e. rules set out in bylaw to implement policy) to programs (i.e. investments in economic, social and environmental activities to enhance quality of life).
Following a review of a number of regulatory options, three (3) regulations were explored in depth:
- Architectural Control District
- This regulation must have an identified theme and places limits on variety within a specific area of application.
- The rules follow a design plan established based on the identified architectural theme.
- Zoning rules which control land use, building setbacks, density, parking, building volume and massing remain in place.
- Heritage Conservation District
- This regulation must have an adopted set of design guidelines which may include architecture as well as other character elements.
- The rules allow variety within the context of the identified heritage theme.
- Zoning rules which control land use, building setbacks, density, parking, building volume and massing remain in place.
- Direct Control District (DCD Zoning)
- This regulation is a new zoning district which may contain both architectural and heritage regulations.
- The rules control land use, design, public and private spaces. It replaces existing zoning.
- DCD’s involve more review of development proposals and the establishment of development agreements.
Neighbourhood Character Themes Identified
Participants in the project discussed a number of character elements aligning to the following themes:
Variety | Fit | Local Business |
Trees | Unique | Green |
Garden | Walkable | Setback |
Art | Porches |
Only the popular themes of ‘Fit’ and ‘Porches’ can be regulated with the regulatory tools identified. All other themes may be guided by policy (broad statements on desired outcomes) or programs (such as education or incentives).
What Happens Next?
A Consultant Recommendations Report is currently being prepared. A draft will be posted to this project page for comment. An online survey (3-5 questions) will also be posted to solicit specific feedback on the draft recommendations from the consultants.
Consultation has concluded