City Employee Appreciation

Consultation has concluded

Join us in thanking the City’s frontline workers! From crews keeping our parks beautiful, picking up garbage and recycling, maintaining road, water and sewer service, to our bus operators, firefighters, bylaw officers and building inspectors, their service makes our community a better place and we want to say thank you.

Join us in thanking the City’s frontline workers! From crews keeping our parks beautiful, picking up garbage and recycling, maintaining road, water and sewer service, to our bus operators, firefighters, bylaw officers and building inspectors, their service makes our community a better place and we want to say thank you.

Say Thank You!

Express your appreciation to City employees for working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Post an image, video, insert links and/or write a comment to thank our frontline workers employed by the City.

Thank you for sending your note of thanks.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Thank you

    by Jeff A., over 2 years ago
    I would like to thank the two city employees that cleaned out my sewer line in front of my house. They were professional, and quick. Good job!
  • Saving a kitten

    by Jan, over 3 years ago
    Thank you to the three city employees at the Sandra Scmirler Centre on Sept 9th. A kitten ended up in my engine compartment. They helped me get the kitten and finally capture after it ran to three other vehicles. The kitten was so scared and they were so gentle and caring. The Humane society were on some emergency calls and they stepped in to save the kitten and let me get on with my day. They were the best! I didn’t get the two gentlemens names the young lady was Chantal. Thank you for the help and compassion.
  • Thank you

    by Chucklez, over 3 years ago

    Thank you for being on the frontline during the CoVid19 pzndemic. And to those who continued to wear masks after the Province removed all CoVid19 regulations...I think you are the best!! Also, I wish to give a big hug and commendation to those who are vaccinated. Thank you!

  • You're amazing!

    by Ali, almost 4 years ago
    Thank you to all City employees for keeping Regina moving forward. It's so, so appreciated. Our parks and green spaces have been a real lifeline over the past year. I'm also very grateful for the less visible labour that all City employees undertake. Thanks a million!
  • Thank you!

    by Courtney, almost 4 years ago
    Thank you to all City employees working to keep Regina going. We appreciate the work you put in to the City and I look forward to saying thank you in person some time in the hopefully near future.
  • Winter Rinks

    by LW, almost 4 years ago

    Thanks so much for providing and maintaining outdoor skating rinks at numerous schools. We really appreciated having one so close to our home this winter. It made a huge difference for our family! I know we'd use it regularly if there'd be a possibility to have one there every winter. Thanks again for all you do this year and every year - we really appreciate it!!

  • Lawson Aquatic Centre

    by Martha, almost 4 years ago
    Thank you to the staff at the Lawson for keeping us safe while swimming and exercising. I am especially grateful to Jackie, who leads the Deep Water Aquafit and to Jamie, who checks us in at the desk. Thank you for making a difficult year a little easier.

  • Continual Appreciation

    by nhoffart, about 4 years ago
    Thank you to the City of Regina employees who have gone above and beyond over the last year to provide services to our family. Thank you to the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services team and to the lifeguards, swim instructors and programming staff who allowed our children to safely continue swimming lessons and for all the fun, safe and affordable programs offered. Thank you to the Water, Waste & Environment team for our garbage and recycling service and for making it easy and free to take our yard waste to the depot. Thank you to the Roadways & Transportation team... Continue reading