Budget 2025/26

The 2025/26 Budget is Regina's second multi-year budget. The multi-year budgeting approach supports longer-term budget planning to strengthen City programs and advance City strategic priorities.

The City's strategic priority areas are:

  • Economic prosperity
  • Community safety &well-being
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Operational excellence
  • Creating a vibrant community

To inform the budget conversation at Council, we are looking to better understand resident priorities for spending. Please complete the survey below by midnight June 23 to share your priority spending areas for our city.

The 2025/26 Budget is Regina's second multi-year budget. The multi-year budgeting approach supports longer-term budget planning to strengthen City programs and advance City strategic priorities.

The City's strategic priority areas are:

  • Economic prosperity
  • Community safety &well-being
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Operational excellence
  • Creating a vibrant community

To inform the budget conversation at Council, we are looking to better understand resident priorities for spending. Please complete the survey below by midnight June 23 to share your priority spending areas for our city.

Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024, 01:05 AM