Top 6 Finalists

Here are the Top 6 birds in competition for the title of Regina’s Official Bird:

Canada Goose

Canada Geese are abundant in our Regina parks, especially around Wascana Lake. These geese are all about loyalty and family – they mate for life and pairs remain together throughout the year. As the seasons change, thousands migrate filling the sky with long V-formations. But many call Regina home year-round due to our open water and food resources – even when temperatures are extremely cold.

Most of us have fond memories of feeding ducks and geese at Wascana Lake, but did you know that bread is bad for birds? Bread has a high level of carbs and sugars which lack important vitamins and minerals. This can cause a nutritional deficiency leading to syndrome where their wings can twist unnaturally outwards, making them unable to fly. You can offer healthy alternatives including grass, lettuce, oats, and peas. Best of all is to enjoy waterfowl from afar, observing them eating the foods in their natural environments.

The oldest known wild Canada Goose was quite the globetrotter. She was banded in Ohio in 1969 and was found in Ontario in 2001 – making her at least 33 years, 3 months old!

American White Pelican

The American White Pelican, one of North America's largest birds, is a majestic sight as it soars gracefully through the air on its broad wings, with its immense bill lending it a prehistoric appearance. They are mastered fishers as they use their pouched bills to scoop up large fish. They are the ultimate team players – coordinating their swimming to corral fish towards the shallows to easily scoop them up.

Did you know, one-third of the world’s population of American White Pelicans breeds in Saskatchewan. It takes roughly 150 pounds of food to nourish a chick from its birth to the time it's ready to forage on its own.

And when it comes to longevity, they’ve got that covered too. The oldest known American White Pelican was at least 23 years, 6 month and was banded in North Dakota in 1983.

Gray Partridge

Meet the Gray Partridge, nature's most skittish enigma! If you’ve ever been startled by a group of Partridges exploding into a scratchy, squawking flight when walking too near, know you are not alone.

These birds are all about togetherness, gathering in small groups known as 'coveys’ year-round. Gray Partridges form monogamous bonds usually with a member of a different covey. Once pairs form, the female initiates courtship by bowing to the male with up-and-down head movements and by rubbing her neck against his to seal the connection. Females can lay up to 22 eggs – among the most of any bird species!

Life for Gray Partridges is short but intense, with high mortality rates. A study found that an adults' life expectancy averages around 1.8 years, and the oldest known partridge was a wise old 4-year-old. These birds are full of surprises in their brief but vibrant existence!

Black-capped Chickadee

When it comes to cuteness, Black-capped Chickadees take the crown. These little avian wonders are famed for their oversized round heads and tiny bodies. Their insatiable curiosity extends to everything, including us humans.

Here's where they really shine – they're masterminds of food storage. Chickadees stash seeds for later in secret hideaways and these savvy birds can remember thousands of them. Every fall, they replace brain neurons containing old information with new neurons so they can adapt to changes in their social flocks and environment

“Cheese-burger!” Chickadees have their own complex language. Their calls convey a wealth of information. From identity recognition to predator alerts and contact calls, it's a sophisticated system. The more dee notes in their famous ‘chickadee-dee-dee’ call, the higher the threat level – which other species of birds listen for as well.

Although they don’t have the beak of a woodpecker, Chickadees are able to independently excavate small cavities in dead tree trunks (called snags) where they nest. They are also fond of using abandoned Downy Woodpecker cavities.

The oldest known wild Black-capped Chickadee was a male. In 2021, it was recaptured and rereleased, a staggering 11 years and 8 months after it was first banded in 2009 in New York. These little birds are full of big surprises!

Peregrine Falcon

Aptly named “Peregrine” a word meaning “wanderer”, these Falcons are one of the most widespread birds in the world being found on all continents except Antarctica. The Peregrine Falcon has a need for speed, flying up to 112 km/h in direct pursuit of prey. For high-altitude hunting stoops, they may reach speeds of 320 km/h as they drop towards their prey.

In North America they favor open landscapes with cliffs for nest sites. Some opt for urban living, nesting atop skyscrapers. Just look at Regina’s City Hall, a cherished Peregrine Falcon nesting site since the ‘90s, thanks to its reliable Rock Pigeon food supply.

Once declared an Endangered Species, the Peregrine Falcon population has been recovering slowly after having crashed from 1950-1970 due to DDT poisoning. Thanks to bans on these harmful pesticides, Peregrine Falcons are no longer on the brink but are still classified as Species of Special Concern.

The oldest recorded Peregrine Falcon was at least 19 years, 9 months old, when it was identified by its band in Minnesota in 2012, the same state where it had been banded in 1992. A testament to the enduring spirit of these fearless wanderers!

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Meet the Red-breasted Nuthatch, an electrifying burst of energy among the trees. These petite birds are constantly on the move, making their presence known with their excited 'yank-yank' calls, reminiscent of tiny tin horns tooting in the treetops. With nimble agility, they traverse tree trunks and branches in any direction they please.

In the world of courtship, male Red-breasted Nuthatches have a flair for the dramatic. They serenade potential mates by turning their backs, singing, and swaying from side to side with raised crest feathers. Alternatively, they perform an aerial ballet, engaging in a captivating display of slow wing fluttering or graceful glides through the air.

Nuthatches are remarkable architects, belonging to the select group of non-woodpeckers capable of excavating their own nest cavities from solid wood. Just as with Black-capped Chickadees, dead trees known as snags are essential for these cavity nesters. Excavation can take up to 18 days. As a final touch, they expertly apply conifer resin around the entrance, sometimes applying it with a piece of bark – a remarkable example of tool use. The resin may help keep out predators or competitors. The Nuthatch avoids the resin by making a swift dive directly through the hole.

Photo Credits: Cathy Wall and Kim Mann

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